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  设立飙友国际赛鸽中心,是为了加强我国赛鸽的竞技水平,促进鸽友交流, 用我们的行动迎接2008年北京举办的奥运会;同时使国内广大鸽友不出国门就能与世界赛鸽强豪同场竞技、切磋鸽艺,并让全世界的鸽友了解、认识中国的赛鸽水平,使我们与国际的赛鸽运动接轨,让全球鸽友的目光聚焦中国飙友公棚赛。
  飙友国际赛鸽中心采用现代企业运营模式,以责为本、以诚赢信、以鸽聚友、以优服众,以最大的真诚和热情笑迎天下鸽友。我们将用一流的管理,一流的服务,一流的设施,绝对的公正、公平、公开,可靠的信誉,为鸽友提供一个展示自我,以达成功、扬名鸽坛的平台,让赛鸽竞翔这项全民健身运动通过飙友公棚赛走向更加辉煌的明天! “不做则已,要做就做得最好”,这是我们飙友的誓言和承诺。

Beijing Biaoyou international Racing pigeon center introduces

  In the Chinese pigeon association, the Beijing pigeon cooperates under the warm care and the your kind effort support , the Beijing Biaoyou racing pigeon industry sets up the Biaoyou international Racing pigeon center in the Beijing wild zoo south side. The Biaoyou international Racing pigeon center accounts for 35 Chinese acres, the pigeon shed area more than 1500 square meters, includes the observation awning, the treatment awning, the laboratory, the consulting room and so on. We invite Belgian zoology Vary Professor and German veterinary station high-quality pet Doctor Norman Oake woman for to Racing pigeon doctor.
  Sets up the Biaoyou international Racing pigeon center the goal is for strengthen our country Racing pigeon's athletics level, the promotion pigeon friend exchanges. Greets the Olympic Games with ours motion which in 2008 Beijing conducts. In order to cause China the broad pigeons friend with does not go abroad can be strong with the world Racing pigeon boldly with the field competition, and lets world the pigeon friend re- understands, knows Chinese the match pigeon level, causes us the vision Racing pigeon to move towards the world, attracts the global pigeon friend focuses the Chinese Biaoyou international Racing pigeon center.
  The Biaoyou international Racing pigeon center uses the modern enterprise operation pattern, the service pigeon friend. We can use the strict management, the outstanding service, the outstanding equipment, the reliable prestige greets the pigeon friend, lets the Racing pigeon movement be more magnificent. So long as does, must do well, this is our Biaoyou's pledges.

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